Photos Image One Image Two Image Three Image Four
Bybay No.
Item Name
A set of 8 Ramshorn Chairs (6 side plus 2 carvers)
Details An absolutely lovely set of 8 Ramshorn dining chairs... a design much inspired by chairs of the 17th century. Traditionally made with mortise, tenon and peg construction, these will be sound for generations to come. Seats upholstered in an appropriate fabric for the chair style.
Stock No.
In the old Bylaw days these chairs were Ref No. 324)
Current RRP
n/a - In 2006 the list price was £935 per carver and £795 per side chair... so £6,640 plus top fabric
Approx Age 23 years
Offer Price £1,700 the set
Delivery Offer Buyer collects or arranges collection from the home of the seller in Kent.
Viewing Initially email [email protected]. Your preferred contact details can then be passed directly to the seller.
Reason for Sale

The dining room is being re-purposed to suit current family life.

Known Faults The set appears to be in excellent condition but please check with the sellers.
Further Notes The table preceding this ad is being offered by the same sellers. Also other Bylaw pieces in the next three ads.
To purchase or for more information, please call Graham at Cottage Industry Marketing on 01568 780 216
We regret that Cottage Industry Marketing cannot be held responsible for descriptions of items. It is deemed the responsibility of the purchaser to satisfy themselves that the goods meet their requirements by viewing the goods personally or by requesting sufficient information from the seller.
�2025 Cottage Industry Marketing