Photos Image One Image Two
Bybay No.
Item Name
WANTED: Set of Bylaw chairs
Details Our prospective purchasers have missed out on the set of 8 Daniels chairs advertised on ByBay ad 0570, so are still looking for something very similar to sit happily with the 18th century style farmhouse table in mainly old oak, just purchased from ByBay - ad 0507. They will happily consider any of the Bylaw range... including the ash Windsor Chairs.
Stock No.
Current RRP
Approx Age Any
Offer Price To be agreed
Delivery Offer
Viewing Initially contact [email protected] or phone 01568 780 216. Please leave a message if no live response. Your preferred contact details will then be passed to the prospective buyer.
Reason for Sale

Having recently returned to the UK from overseas, the prospective purchasers have just acquired a traditional home that suits the Bylaw look.

Known Faults Discuss with buyers
Further Notes If what you have is right for the prospective purchasers... a speedy deal can be quickly achieved. See photos for examples....
To purchase or for more information, please call Graham at Cottage Industry Marketing on 01568 780 216
We regret that Cottage Industry Marketing cannot be held responsible for descriptions of items. It is deemed the responsibility of the purchaser to satisfy themselves that the goods meet their requirements by viewing the goods personally or by requesting sufficient information from the seller.
�2025 Cottage Industry Marketing